Published June 12, 2019 by Downriver Obstetrics & Gynecology GYN
If you have been trying to get pregnant but have been unsuccessful, you are not alone. Although comforting to know, the challenge comes in finding your reason for infertility, …
Published May 9, 2019 by Downriver Obstetrics & Gynecology GYN
Most pregnancies last to term, which is at least 37 weeks. Full term is 39 – 40 weeks, but about 12% of babies in the U.S. …
Published March 22, 2019 by Downriver Obstetrics & Gynecology GYN
If you have already had one child, then you know the drill. Pregnancy puffiness and swelling are all part of the deal that comes with bringing new life into the world. …
Published February 21, 2019 by Downriver Obstetrics & Gynecology GYN
No one enjoys discussing STDs, but if you are an adult having sex, or you are a parent, it would be wise to learn some essential facts about STDs that everyone should know. …
Published January 22, 2019 by Downriver Obstetrics & Gynecology GYN
What was commonly known as the Sexual Revolution back in the 1960s and early 1970s burst on the scene due to the invention and FDA approval of the birth control pill. …
Published September 21, 2018 by Downriver Obstetrics & Gynecology GYN
STI vs. UTI and what is the difference between their symptoms is quite a common dilemma. There are some symptoms similar to both a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) and a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), …
Published June 26, 2017 by Downriver Obstetrics & Gynecology GYN
Often times, uterine polyps and uterine fibroids are categorized as the same condition. However, these two reproductive health issues are very different in their nature and how they’re treated. …
Published December 21, 2016 by Downriver Obstetrics & Gynecology GYN
Traveling can be a little stressful, and the stress is only intensified if you’re traveling while pregnant. With the holidays coming up, …